AutoBid App Instructions Please read all the instructions before using the program.
AutoBid for iOS is an app that will connect to the QuickBid site, download your bidlist, and automatically submit it to the company. It's as easy as pressing a button! It will even set options for you.
You must be running iOS 11 or later on an Apple device (iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch).
Step 1:
Download and install the AutoBid app from the iOS App Store. Once installed, the program will be placed on your phone and is ready for use. The program comes with a one-time cost of $0.99
which is paid from your Apple account.
Step 2:
When you open AutoBid for the first time, it will ask you for your QuickBid username, company employee number, and DECS password. It does not need your QuickBid password.
These settings are saved for future use. You can return to this menu by clicking the Settings Button from the home screen. Take care to make sure you're giving it the correct
info it's asking for.
Step 3:
Click "Submit My Bid!" and you will be taken to the page to set your bid options. Select the options you want by toggling the switches and then press "Submit My Bid!" on this
page to start the bid process. It will ask you for your current password, then connect to QuickBid and get your bidlist. It will then start submitting
your bid. You will be able to see the progress of your bid as it is put into the computer. It does not have to reconnect every 90 lines like the other AutoBid scripts. When the program
finishes, your bid has been saved in Sabre for you. Always check it in Sabre, just to be sure.
If for any reason you need to stop the script while it is in progress:
Click cancel on the bidding page. Your previous bids will be erased. Your current bids will not be saved. Your HIB/* will be blank.
Step 4:
Click the image to the left to bring up a new window containing a simulated HIB/*<<
This page can be used to check your bids after they have been put into Sabre, to check for errors.
This page is for error-checking only. It should match your HIB/* entry in Sabre, after the program is run.
If you have not run the AutoBid program on your device, your bids are not in Sabre yet!
If you change your QuickBid bidlist after you submit your bids, it will not be updated automatically in Sabre. You will need to run the AutoBid program again.